New proposals for sex-ed - dictatorship of relativism

You can read the CESEW response to the Governments latest proposals on sex education in schools, and a clarification which states:
We welcome the government’s reiteration of its support for the important principles underlining SRE, which emphasise that schools continue to have the legal right to determine the content of what is taught in PSHE within their schools and that governing bodies retain the right to determine what is taught, and must determine this in line with the ethos of the school.
The Times reports on the sex-ed proposals in its article: (Pupils to be forced to have sex education under age of consent). Here is an extract:
Mr Balls said: “It is open to faith schools to teach what they believe, according to the tenets of their faith, that pupils should not have sexual relationships outside of marriage.”

But faith schools would not be allowed to refuse to teach about contraception on the grounds that they do not believe in sex before marriage, he added.

“You can teach the promotion of marriage, you can teach that you shouldn’t have sex outside of marriage — what you can’t do is deny young people information about contraception outside of marriage.”
There does seem to be some confusion here; are Catholic schools going to be forced to give information about contraception or not? (It is interesting, by the way, that Ed Balls speaks of contraception outside of marriage. This shows how far we have come since Humanae Vitae and the debates of the sixties which were all about contraception for married couples.)

Jackie Parkes has comments from Eric Hester in her post: CESEW responds to proposals relating to Sex and Relationships Education and parental rights (5 November 2009). There we have another Government quote:
“PSHE education will therefore be a foundation subject in the national curriculum in Key Stages 3 and 4, with the existing non-statutory programmes of study forming the basis for a core entitlement that all pupils should receive.”
and you can bet that part of the National Curriculum PSHE "core entitlement" will be to learn how to put a condom on a banana.

See also:
John Smeaton: Compulsory sex ed is government exploitation of schools

Gerald Warner: The most widespread child abuse in Britain is perpetrated by the Government

David Vance at the Tangled Blog: Sex Education for all!
"But our wise rulers, who know so much more than any parent, will now ensure that sex education is FORCED upon our kids. Totalitarian swine."

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