Selective reporting on child abuse

Militant gay rights activist, Patrick Harvie is gently criticised ("poor judgement") for accepting an award in honour of a gay rights activist who fought to legalise paedophilia. Is there any soul-searching among Scots gays about a commitment to protect children?

The ex-boss of LGBT Youth, Scotland has been given a life sentence for molesting a baby boy for four years, starting when he was three months old (along with many other offences). The Times Online report mentions his high-profile gay activism that earned him invitations to Downing Street and to the Buckingham Palace Garden Party. Is anyone asking any questions at all about LGBT Youth Scotland in the wake of this unspeakably horrific case?

Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn have been allowed by the courts to settle child abuse cases "internally" and call on prosecutors to respect their religious sensitivities. May we now expect international outrage at this failure to employ the rule of law?

200 celebrities come out in support of Roman Polanski who escaped jail after giving drugs to a 13 year old girl and having sex with her. The list includes Whoopi Goldberg, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, and Monica Belluci. Do we have articles calling for a root and branch reform of the entertainment industry which so obviously fails to understand the importance of safeguarding children?

Senior BBC producer Martyn Smith has been charged with making indecent images of children. Is the BBC now setting up a special unit, like our Catholic Safeguarding Services, to ensure the safety of children and vulnerable adults?

The answer to the above questions is "Probably not". It seems that only Catholics are actually taking practical and concrete steps to protect and safeguard children. Everyone else can use lame, self-serving excuses, deny the problem, ignore obvious risk factors, cover up for each other, turn a blind eye, and generally carry on putting children at risk.

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