Relics of St Thérèse arrive at Aylesford

The relics of St Thérèse arrived at the Carmelite Friary of Aylesford today - a special visit on the tour, to the shrine of Our Lady in the care of her own order. This afternoon, there were many school children there for the visit and two of my parishioners took the opportunity to see the relics.

Tomorrow, some members of the Union of Catholic Mothers in Blackfen will take a turn in forming the Guard of Honour. Later in the morning, a coach is going from the parish to attend the Mass celebrated by Archbishop McDonald. Here is the programme for the visit at Aylesford.

After a brief sojourn at the Carmelite Church in Kensington, the relics will be taken to Westminster Cathedral. Here is the programme of events there. It is impressive that, as ever, the Cathedral offers such generous provision for the sacrament of penance with four priests hearing confessions from 10.30am to 9pm on the two full days of the visit. Say a prayer for the priests who give their time so generously to this ministry.

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