Fr Stravinskas defends new translation

Damian Thompson has written on the recent campaign by Fr Ryan, pastor of Seattle Cathedral to delay the implementation of the new ICEl translations with the petition "What if we just said wait?" (I recommend signing the petition "We've waited long enough".) Now that Fr Ryan has been given space in the Tablet for his campaign. See: The plot to sabotage the new Missal is a test of Archbishop Vincent Nichols's leadership. As Damian points out:
What we can expect now, I’m afraid, is a repeat of the situation in America: constant whispering against the new Missal by “senior clergy” and their lay allies who want to delay the introduction of the Missal until… well, we might as well be frank about this: until after this Pope dies, when they hope that a new regime in the Vatican will allow them to cling on to the grisly paraphrase of the Roman Missal currently in use, or to introduce something worse.
Fr Peter Stravinskas has written an excellent article in America magazazine which responds to some of the key points made by Fr Ryan. See: Defending the New Roman Missal.

I would quibble with the choice of title, though (presumably sub-editor's choice.) We are not being given a "New Roman Missal", we are being given an accurate translation of the current one - a point on which many people seem to be misled. In this connection, you might like to read my suggestions in the post Training for the new translations.

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