Nurses Opposed to Euthansia: Study Day

Nurses Opposed to Euthansia is a group within the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. Here are details of an upcoming Study Day in central London:

Nurses Opposed to Euthanasia
Multidisciplinary Study Day
What do we mean by care?

10.00 – 15.30hrs (Registration 09.30hrs)

Venue: St Vincent’s Centre, Carlisle Place, Victoria, London SW1P 1NL (Disability access)
Cost: £40.00 (Includes lunch and refreshments)

Medical, Nursing and Legal speakers
  • Compassion and Care in Nursing
  • The Liverpool Care Pathway: critical analysis
  • Assisted Suicide: DPP Policy
  • The Government’s End of Life Care Strategy: Open to misinterpretation?
  • Conscientious objection
Email for a registration form.

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