Interview with Bishop Léonard - and petition in support

Thanks to the Dutch blogger "in caelo", who writes In Caelo et in Terra, for posting a link in the combox to an interview which Bishop Léonard gave to the Belgian news outlet Knack. See: “The Belgian Church has been too passive”. The interviewer is confrontational but his questions intelligent and to the point, giving the opportunity for Bishop Léonard to show his considerable acumen in answering under pressure.

Sadly, it is a sign of the times that when a good Bishop, courageously loyal to the authentic Magisterium of the Catholic Church, is appointed, he is vilified in the press, and even by senior politicians in public statements. Thankfully, there is a petition to express support for Bishop Léonard. The explanation page is written in French (with an alternative in Flemish.) Here is my translation of the French page:
Since the appointment of Mgr. Leonard as successor to Cardinal Danneels, journalists continue to spread negative reactions about his person. It is striking to note that 20 years of restoration work in his diocese of Namur are passed over in silence.

Through this petition we, as faithful, wish to offer a counterweight to these reactions. We hope also to support our new Archbishop strongly in the task which awaits him.

Through this link you can sign the petition.

The list of people who signed the petition is located here.
I'm number 3170 but there don't seem to be many from English speaking countries yet, so spread the word and let's show the Bishop that there is plenty of goodwill and support for him around the world.

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