Aine Cooper RIP

Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Aine Cooper who died on Wednesday evening, fortified by the sacraments and the prayers of the Church.

Anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum requescant in pace.

Aine was the dear wife of Dan Cooper ("Sir Dan of the blogosphere"). The photo above was taken at Dan and Aine's wedding many years ago. Aine was a good and devout lady who worked for many years as a nurse, always defending the pro-life cause. She could be hilarious in the way that she kept Dan in check during his outbursts of enthusiasm (always, of course, prompted by the Holy Spirit.) Having received the sacraments and the plenary indulgence at the end of a devout life, Aine may not need our prayers herself, but do still pray for her because if she doesn't, some poor blighter in purgatory will bless her for ever for them.

The Requiem Mass will be celebrated by Fr Roger Nesbitt at the chapel of the John Fisher School in Purley (CR8 3YP) on Thursday 15th April at 12.15pm. Aine's mortal remains will be brought into the Chapel on Wednesday evening at 7pm. Priests who wish to concelebrate at the Requiem Mass are asked to bring purple vestments.

Donations in memoriam may be sent to the Sisters of the Gospel of Life. They have a paypal donation facility.

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