Westminster Declaration

The Westminster2010 Declaration of Christian Conscience is modelled on the very successful Manhattan Declaration but an independent initiative for Great Britain. Launched on Easter Sunday, it already has well over 5000 signatures. It has been well-timed in that today the Prime Minister has just announced that the General Election will be held on 6 May.

Here is the text of the Declaration:
We the undersigned are Christians who believe that protecting human life, protecting marriage, and protecting freedom of conscience are foundational for creating and maintaining strong families, caring communities and a just society.

In signing the Westminster 2010 Declaration of Christian Conscience we commit ourselves to worship, honour and obey God, to exercise social responsibility in working for the common good and to be subject to all governing authorities and obey them except when they require us to act unjustly.

We call upon all parliamentary candidates to pledge that they will ‘respect, uphold and protect the right of Christians to hold and express Christian beliefs and act according to Christian conscience’.
Here is the link to sign the declaration.

There is a pdf at the site with a longer explanation and a list of key signatories. A paper copy of the declaration can be printed off so that people can sign it if they do not have access to the internet.

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