New deputy director for CES

The Catholic Education Service of England and Wales has appointed Greg Pope as Deputy Director. Greg Pope is a former Labour MP for Hyndburn (he took the seat from the strongly pro-life Ken Hargreaves.) He has voted against amendments to lower the time limit for abortion to 16 weeks. He also signed a parliamentary motion praising a condom manufacturer for helping schools host “National Condom Week”, signed motions promoting the IPPF, and contraceptive awareness week, voted against amendments restricting adoption to heterosexual couples, and has voted in favour of compulsory sex education. For the whole sorry list with links, see John Smeaton: Catholic Education Service appoints anti-life and anti-family ex-MP as deputy director.

Greg says:
The CESEW is widely respected for the work that it is doing under Oona Stannard’s leadership and I am very proud to be joining this successful team.”
For some indications of the wide respect that there is for the CES among the Catholic laity, here are some links:

Damian Thompson: 'Catholic' Education Service's new Deputy Director: retiring Labour MP who voted for abortion

Mulier Fortis: "Catholic-In-Name-Only" Education Service?

David Lindsay: The Wrong Pope

Countercultural Father: Shoot yourself in the foot (why don't you?)

That the bones you have crushed may thrill: Pope, Bishops, Priests, and the CES

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