Double standards #2567

There are prima facie credible allegations that a deceased priest abused minors, the Church knew about it, had made no enquiry, had not informed the police, and now refuses to comment.

Oops! No, sorry, the story is not about a priest, but a TV celebrity, and not about the Church, but the BBC.

So that's all right then. Nothing to see here. No hostile interviews. Please move on. Instead you can read a glowing obituary of Jimmy Savile at the BBC website.

See Guido Fawkes: Did the BBC Fix It For Jim? Awkward Questions for Director General Mark Thompson
See also Daily Telegraph: BBC 'buried Savile sex abuse claims to save its reputation’

The celebrity in question took part in Church events involving children, notably at Lourdes. Perhaps the Bishops might ask the BBC why they were not informed about the possibility of his being a risk to minors. Imagine the furore if the Church had supplied a priest for a children's programme on the BBC and failed to communicate a reasonable safeguarding concern.

In other news: The Holy See has held a major conference in which recommendations have been made for action to be taken against Bishops who do not act correctly in safeguarding children.

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