Sodality Votive Mass of the Five Holy Wounds

The Sodality of the Five Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ will be meeting at Blackfen on Friday 16 March at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen. There will be a Missa Cantata at 8pm (or shortly after - we have Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm to which all are, of course, welcome.)

The Mass will be a Votive Mass of the Five Holy Wounds and will be offered for the intentions of all members of the Sodality. Everyone is welcome to come. There will be tea, coffee and other refreshments afterwards in our Small Hall.

I have taken on the role of Spiritual Director to the Sodality after consulting with Fr Southwell who has stepped down from this role. After the Mass, we will discuss possible future events and activities for the Sodality. Devotion to the Five Holy Wounds is a very English thing, popular among our martyrs and others who suffered during penal times. I look forward to taking a role in this Sodality.

The above picture is the new logo, designed by Catholic illustrator and artist, Daniel Mitsui.

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