ACN Night of Witness

Aid to the Church in Need are holding a Night of Witness on Friday 17 May at Westminster Cathedral. Here is the progamme:
5.30pm Sung Mass to remember the modern-day martyrs to the Faith, concelebrated by Archbishop Joseph Coutts of Karachi, Pakistan, Bishop Joannes Zakaria of Luxor, Egypt, and Bishop Declan Lang of Clifton.

6.30pm Rally for Religious Freedom on the cathedral piazza, celebrating our faith through speeches, music, drama, dance, poetry and film, with groups from Iraqi, Pakistani, Sudanese and Egyptian communities in the UK, as well as others.

7.30-8.30pm Solemn, candlelit vigil in Westminster Cathedral – in thanksgiving for the inspirational sacrifice of Christians today.
The ACN website has more information. The above image is a reduced version of the front of the flyer. Here is a link to download the full version. There are plenty of guest speakers and performers - including ooberfüse, the band that I met at the British Pakistani Christian Peace Rally at Trafalgar Square last month. (See also my posts about His Blood Cries Out and Heart's Cry.)

Unfortunately I won't be able to go, as I will be in Poland that week. I expect that the Rally in the Piazza will be both informative and entertaining. (Notice too, how this part of the evening is complementary to, but distinct from, the Mass and the candlelit vigil in the Cathedral.) Do go along if you can

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