"I don't want my relatives to see Tony Nicklinson and think that's how I feel"

Bram Harrison, also known as DJ Eye Tech, suffered brain damage two weeks before his 21st birthday after falling head-first off his bicycle. Harrison, now 34, was left with locked-in syndrome; the only part of his body he can deliberately move are his eyes and eye lids. (See the report in the Independent: Locked in, but still lost in music: UK's bravest DJ

He can choose letters and words by blinking at them on a screen, is an acclaimed DJ, is known as a mischievous wit, has confidence in the advance of medical science, is currently learning Polish, and does not go along with the idea that he would be better off dead:
I've definitely not got the same view as Tony Nicklinson">Tony Nicklinson. I don't want people to think that locked-in syndrome is unbearable. I enjoy my rather limited life.
One thing I would add: he is also an evangelist for life.

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