Vatican fails to take account of my travel plans

Oi! Vatican! Are you 'aving a larf? I go away for 24 hours to lecture for some good Benedictine nuns and celebrate Mass for them, spending several hours each way on trains boats and buses and you decide during this period when I am away from the blog:

1. To announce that the SSPX have responded to the doctrinal preamble and that it only remains for the CDF and the Pope to consider it. And the Vatican Press Officer, Fr Lombardi, admits that it is encouraging and that there is a desire to reach a conclusion. (Texts found most easily at Rorate Caeli as well as other posts with analysis.)

2. To issue a Doctrinal Assessment of the US Leadership Conference of Women Religious along with a statement from Cardinal Levada.

3. To announce a Vatican Widget in honour of the anniversary of the election of Pope Benedict.

OK, so n.3. was not as important as 1. and 2., but I have sent off for the widget eagerly in order to take up the promise that, as the English version of the communiqué states: "it will be possible to export all the principal novelties."

n.1. is very encouraging and certainly is a good reason to set aside some of my Easter money for a bottle of champagne to celebrate when things do come to a conclusion.

n.2. is of course sad in a way. Omar Gutierrez admonishes us: Let’s Be Sober About the LCWR Assessment and I suppose it would be unseemly to get plastered and end up watching EWTN's coverage and chanting "You're not singing anymore!" So we had better not do that. Still, I think that many faithful Catholics will rejoice that the Holy See is taking practical steps to implement advice that the Holy Father gave to the Bishops of England and Wales on the last ad limina visit:
In a social milieu that encourages the expression of a variety of opinions on every question that arises, it is important to recognize dissent for what it is, and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate. It is the truth revealed through Scripture and Tradition and articulated by the Church’s Magisterium that sets us free.
As to champagne, Fr Z is sticking with the one that featured for the announcement of Summorum Pontificum. I'm minded to branch out and get some Bolly.

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