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Thanks to Neil Addison of the Religion Law Blog for passing on the Guardian video report on the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil and the pro-abortion demonstration last Friday. At the end, a pro-abortion campaigner has words that at once give encouragement to the pro-life cause, and at the same time teach us that for the pro-aborts, there just is no grasp of logic:
"I think that what we're seeing here is the biggest threat to reproductive rights in this country for over forty years.

I know what my mum fought for is now being threatened once again."
Reproductive rights, of course, means the "right" to terminate a baby's life in the womb. We are a long way from victory for the unborn, but it is good to hear that the 40 Days for Life peaceful prayer vigils have had such a major impact. May more babies survive to love their mothers.

The Guardian report is actually quite fair on the whole. This itself is an indication that the debate on abortion has moved on. I quite liked the bit where the reporter referred to this being the final stage of the 40 Days for Life "protest" and said with a professional presenting-both-sides voice that it "mainly seems to comprise of praying at the moment." Yes. That's all it has consisted of all the time actually. The talk of harassment and intimidation is grandstanding by the pro-aborts, in response to panicky propaganda from BPAS and Marie Stopes who are looking less confident than they have for a long time.

(When I was at Bedford Square one time, I saw the helmeted guy from the security company enter the building and come out a short while afterwards carrying one of those two foot long plastic secure note holders. Someone should get a photo of that.)

The Guardian video has footage of a pavement counsellor in Brighton whose approach is representative of those at all such events. Here's the dialogue:
Reporter: Is this the Wiston Clinic ?
Demonstrator: Yes can I give you some information before you go in
R: What is it ?
D: We're here to offer help and support if you feel you would like to reconsider. I don't know what you're going in for but; we're standing here [inaudible] options.
R: Do you work with the Clinic
D: No No. We don't work with the Clinic. We're 40 Days for Life. Some people come because they feel they have no other option. We're here to say if we can help or support you come and speak to us. Are you going to have a scan this morning ?
[end of segment]
So mainly praying, with a bit of offering help and support. Nobody's uterus or ovaries got harmed. Congratulations to 40 Days for Life and all those who were there on Friday.

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