A simple Mass everyone can join in with

Here is a link to the booklet for the Mass for the Election of a Pope which will be celebrated by the Cardinals in St Peter's tomorrow morning at 10am Rome time. (9am GMT) It is all very straightforward - the propers are sung in Gregorian chant and Mass VIII (de Angelis) is sung with Credo III.

(The Psalmus Responsorius is sung instead of the Gradual with a slightly jaunty response and the psalm in that universal language of Italian (che?) but the Psalmus Responsorius is an enduring problem for the Novus Ordo so that is a minor quibble.)

The Eucharistic Prayer will be the Roman Canon. During Holy Communion the Adoro te Devote will be sung (in addition to the Communion antiphon, not as a replacement). The choir and people will sing alternate verses: perhaps that means that the choir will sing some polyphony. After the end of Mass, Ave Regina Caelorum.

Seeing this booklet makes me rejoice. Pope Benedict succeeded in reforming the Liturgy of the Papal Masses and this is reflected in the plans for tomorrow's Mass. Nothing special, no gimmicks, no attempt to entertain, just a celebration of Mass that would be recognisable to many people throughout the world. And indeed one in which they could demonstrate partecipazione attiva. Many of the children at Blackfen could join in with everything (except possibly the responsorial psalm); though some of the bright sparks might suggest having Mass IV and Credo VI.

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