Complaining to the BBC about That Intro

Sometimes people ask for examples of what Catholic bloggers and others have identified as BBC bias against the Catholic Church. You could not wish for a clearer example that the intro to the 0810 interview of Cardinal Murphy O'Connor by John Humphreys yesterday on the Radio 4 Today programme. You can hear it for a few days on the BBC iPlayer. (The segment starts at about 2 hours 10 minutes.) I take the point that Cardinal Murphy O'Connor's performance was not all that we might have hoped for, but Leutgeb at Bara Brith has highlighted in her letter of complaint the relentless negativity that Catholics have to endure from the BBC.

It is also true that some gay people have abused children. (Example.) But elementary logic teaches us that the proposition "some gays are paedophiles" does not imply the proposition "all gays are paedophiles." The BBC would never make that mistake. Would it be too much to ask of the BBC that the same elementary logic be applied to the Catholic priesthood?

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