Watching the announcement

The Vatican National Anthem is now being played so time to start a new post while waiting for Cardinal Tauran to appear. Some quite good drill on display as well. It is great to be able to follow everything via CTV on the internet with enthusiastic and positive commentary  rather than some useless secular media service. (We could tell the BBC that the Cardinals have now not "failed" to elect a Pope.)

Now well over 100,000 people gathered and the via Conciliazione is filled up...

Lights on in the Hall of Benedictions ...

Cardinal Tauran appears on the balcony...
Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum. Habemus Papam. Eminentissimum ac Reverendissimum Dominum. Dominum Georgium Marium, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Bergoglium. Qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum.
Viva il Papa! God bless Pope  Francis I.

Here are some more screen grabs from the first address and blessing of Pope Francis:

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