Arrangements for installation of Archbishop Nichols

The website of the Archdiocese of Westminster has posted the arrangements for the installation of Archbishop Nichols as Archbishop of Westminster on Thursday 21 May at Westminster Cathedral.

There will be solemn Vespers at 7pm on Wednesday 20 May. At 12noon on Thursday 21 May, the main West Door of the Cathedral will open and the Archbishop will make his first solemn entry into his Cathedral, before processing to the sanctuary. The Chancellor of the Diocese of Westminster, Bishop John Arnold, will then read out the Apostolic Letter of Authority from Pope Benedict XVI, which denotes the official appointment of Archbishop Vincent Nichols as the 11th Archbishop of Westminster.

The website predicts that about 4,000 people are expected to attend the Mass of Installation and the Service of Solemn Vespers. It notes that a number of high profile guests are also expected to attend, including all of the Bishops of England and Wales, Catholic Peers and MPs.

I was rather surprised to see that the only guest from abroad that is mentioned is Cardinal Mahoney, Archbishop of Los Angeles.

You will be able to watch the Mass of Installation live on BBC 2 from 11.45am.

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