Weekend shooting party

Fr Z has started a good game at his blog. (See: Weekend) Here are the rules:
You can invite EIGHT people to join you for a leisurely weekend. Call it a shooting party ala Gosford Park.

There will be slow and well-paced meals and, of course pre-prandials.

Since you are at the WDTPRS county manor (on my planet, that is), you will be able to talk into the night and continue the next day.

Who MUST be there?

Go over to Fr Z to see his list. Off the top of my head, here's mine for the party at the Hermeneutical Country House:
  • Damian Thompson
  • Richard Dawkins
  • Hilary White
  • Catherine Pepinster
  • Tom Pink
  • Mgr Basil Loftus
  • Fr Ray Blake
  • Tony Blair
I have an extra rule: No Confidentiality. Everything can be put on blogs, twitter, YouTube or in the dead tree press.

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