Today was the first of our first Holy Communion Masses in the parish. As it is the first Saturday of the month, there was the option for children to receive their first Communion at the
Missa Cantata. I hope to have some good pictures of the Mass courtesy of the professional photographer who was pleased to give me permission to publish one or two photos in exchange for a link. Watch this space!

After Mass, we had a reception in the Hall with a game that involved hitting a box of sweets with a stick whilst blindfolded. (I have forgotten the Spanish name for this.) It is an excellent way to keep children (and adults) amused for a while.

Mid-afternoon, we went to the Church to sing solemn Vespers, followed by Benediction. Our new first communicants were eager to serve.

We were able to field a full complement of six torch beareres.

After Benediction, we sang the solemn
Regina Caeli at the Lady Altar. Some children still enthusiastic an hour into the afternoon devotions makes me think that we may have some more candidates for serving over the next few years.