ACN event with Bishop of Faisalabad

I am happy to pass on details of the following event which looks to be most interesting. Sadly, as with most Saturday events, I won't be able to go myself because of the parish schedule but I do recommend it to you.

Aid to the Church in Need
Westminster Event
"Standing Together in Faith"

Saturday 17 October 2009

The day commences at 10:30 with Sung Mass in Westminster Cathedral. Following registration His Grace, Archbishop Vincent Nichols will address the participants and lead us all in the Angelus. Speakers are : Bishop Joseph Coutts of Faisalabad, Pakistan, Father Martin Edwards, ACN’s Ecclesiastical Assistant, Regina Lynch – Project Director, Kõnigstein, John Pontifex, Aid to the Church in Need UK, Head of Press and Information and Neville Kyrke-Smith, National Director of Aid to the Church in Need UK. The Event concludes with Prayer and Blessing at 15:45

Contact: Michael Cowie or phone 020 8661 5154 to secure your tickets

Why not also join us on 8th September for a rare opportunity to hear Patriarch Twal from Jerusalem!!

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