Holiday time

Time for my summer holiday. I'm off this afternoon on the 1415 BA flight to Toulouse and then via SNCF to Lourdes until Friday. I'm hoping to make a visit to Bartres this week to see the Church where St Bernadette went to Mass during her time there. I'll remember all my readers (friends and enemies) at the Grotto and at Mass.

A great thing about Lourdes for a priest on holiday is that you can say Mass any time of day at one of the altars by the sacristy of the Crypt Chapel. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed all day so there is always somewhere quiet to go and say the breviary, and, since it is a holiday, there are some reasonably priced restaurants which do a good confit de canard. I'm just about to pack and pondering which books to bring. I suppose I'll have to read "The Shack".

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