Rubrical Olympics at Blackfen

Fr Z posted on the capitalisation issues when citing Church documents. (Of course, he wrote capitalization but that is another issue.) A commenter responded that there might be a Rubrical Olympics event. Here is what transpired:
A light hearted proposal in the Olympic Spirit…

The Inaugural Rubrical Olympics would be held at the Blackfen Minor Basilica and accept teams of clergy and servers from any Rite, Form, or Use approved by the Holy See. Priests with bi-ritual faculties or taking advantage of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum may enter multiple events.

Individual events to include Censing (chain clinks a key judging point) and Blessing (Byzantine priests should pay particular attention to finger positions).

Team events would, of course, revolve around Masses and Divine Liturgies with marks awarded for sychronicity and reverence. Post Consecration thumb-forefinger action would be an important skill. Innovation, creativity, or artistic license would result in point deductions. The use of guitars would result in disqualification.

Periodic testing for banned substances (i.e. polyester, felt, ceramic) would see any offending priests sent to rehab with Msgr. Marini, the Master of Papal Ceremonies.

The Holy and Ancient Order of Rubricarians would, of course, act as judges for all events.
Well, we'll be ready to enter a team but would add track events such as the correct entry of torchbearers into the choir benches, and field events such as the taking of holy water upon entering the Church, dependent on accurate observation of whether the Blessed Sacrament is exposed or not.

One of the problems would be to resolve which version of Fortescue should be consulted. There is a reasonable collection of editions at Blackfen but we would certainly need to involve Rubricarius on the panel of umpires since, apparently, he has every edition ever published.

I would be inclined to have a team for the Novus Ordo categories but there could be some dispute over what constitutes legitimate mutual enrichment so someone like Bishop Elliott might need to adjudicate.

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