Invocation 2010 - national vocations weekend

Fr Stephen Langridge has sent details of this National Vocations Discernment weekend - the first ever. It runs from 2-4 July at Oscott College in Birmingham and is for young men and women discerning a vocation to the priesthood or the religious life or simply wanting to find out more. There will be a number of religious communities represented. Archbishops Longley, Smith, and Nichols will be celebrating the Masses. Here is the information:
Invocation 2010

Do you need space to consider what God wants you to do with your life? Are you intrigued by the possibility of priesthood or religious life? Would you like the chance to find out more?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, Invocation 2010 could be just the thing for you! It is our first ever National Vocations Discernment weekend and it will take place at St Mary's College, Oscott - where the Pope will stay when he come to England.

The weekend will begin on the evening of Friday 2nd July and end with a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop Vincent Nichols on Sunday 4th July. Guest speakers will include Abbot Christopher Jamison and Sr Gabriel Davison.

Although it's not a recruitment weekend there will be lots of priests and religious present as well as inspiring talks and enlightening workshops. There will be Perpetual Adoration in the seminary Chapel throughout the weekend. There will also be a giant-screen TV to make sure you don't have to miss the football!

You can find out more, and book online, at the Invocation website.

There is a charge for the weekend - but many parishes are subsidising young people who would like to attend. Just have a word with your parish priest or Vocations Director.

It would be great to see you there!

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