Peter Tatchell to front documentary on the Holy Father

Gay activist Peter Tatchell who organised the Protest the Pope Coalition and has arranged various anti-Catholic protests in the Piazza outside Westminster Cathedral, has been commissioned by Channel 4 to present a documentary on the Holy Father.

Let me quote the major political blogger Ian Dale:
If you were a commissioning editor at Channel 4 and wanted to make a documentary about the Pope's religious and political journey since the 1930s, who might you get to front it?

Ann Widdecombe? Sue MacGregor? Ed Stourton?

No. Channel Four has chosen Peter Tatchell. Yes, your gob is smacked, isn't it?

Peter says he wants to produce a completely factual programme. In which case, why did Channel 4 choose him? Surely his attraction to a programme maker is that he is deeply opinionated.
Never mind the headlines "Catholics angry" etc. This is a calculated insult typical of our "I can do what I like" culture. Catholics may well feel minded to write to Channel 4; and it would be good if there were a statement from the Catholic Bishops' Conference. Surely though, since the Holy Father is coming on a state visit, it would be appropriate for a Minister of State to express disquiet at such blatant Catholic-baiting?

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