Gregorian Chant Course at Portsmouth

The Gregorian Chant Network is offering a course at Portsmouth Cathedral. Here are the details:

This brand new Course consists of seven 1-day Workshops at St John's Cathedral, Portsmouth, commencing on Saturday 30 October and continuing on the 3rd Saturday of subsequent months from November 2010 to April 2011 inclusive. The dates are given below.

The Course is aimed at both complete beginners and those who already are experienced at singing chant. It is being led by Abbot Cuthbert Brogan OSB of Farnborough Abbey and Christopher Hodkinson, a Director of the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge.

The Course is flexbile so that if you cannot attend the whole course, then it is possible to register for any number of the individual Workshops.

The course fee is £85 for 7 Workshops and includes a Course book (the 'Parish Book of Chant'), or £15 per Workshop plus a fee for the Course book.
To register for the Course contact: or 023 92862384

Course dates:
Saturday 30 October 2010
Saturday 20 November
Saturday 18 December
Saturday 15 January 2011
Saturday 19 February
Saturday 19 March
Saturday 16 April

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