Rome update

On Wednesday I celebrated Mass for the group of altar servers that Fr Stephen Boyle has brought out to Rome. We were at the Salesian Church of the Sacred Heart near Termini Station. St John Bosco himself raised the funds to build this magnificent Church at the request of Pope Leo XIII.

Yesterday I was given the altar of St Michael the Archangel for Mass at St Peters, and this morning I was pleased to be able to use the altar of St Pius X. Things have changed a lot since Summorum Pontificum there are now plenty of young priests around the Basilica first thing in the morning celebrating according to the usus antiquior. I like to go around a little before saying Mass and attend the consecration of various other Masses before saying my own.

Unfortunately, the charger socket on my laptop has broken and so I am using one of the house computers and can't post any pictures at the moment. There will be a few when I get back, but I must also put up some selections from previous trips on Flickr.

I've been following various blogs from my mobile - very interested in that article by James MacMillan and will have a closer look at it over the weekend. I also had some interesting conversations with priests and bishops attending the Synod for the Middle East so will share some of that too.

Please say a prayer that the flight leaves on time this afternoon. I'm off now to visit some more Churches and pay another visit to Barbiconi...

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