Last day of a wonderful witness to life

Congratulations to everyone who has been a part of the 40 Days for Life campaign in London by prayer, fasting and action. Today is Day 40 but there will be another initiative next Lent. Lives have been saved directly through the prayerful witness of those who have taken part, and many young pro-lifers have been encouraged by participating in this initiative.

40 Days for Life received an encouraging letter from Pope Benedict's office, conveying the Holy Father's prayers

During the week I was in Rome, they arranged the screening of "Blood Money", an inspirational documentary which included personal testimonies of women who have had abortions and abortion clinic staff. The brings home the reality of abortion but also ends on a note of hope. They are screening the DVD "Being Human" at St Mary Moorfield's Parish Hall tomorrow, 1 November at 7pm.

I found this picture at Robert Colquhoun's excellent blog Love Undefiled:

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