500 Crosses for Life - this Saturday

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This Saturday, 13 November, there is a Pro-Life Prayer Procession in London. Here are the details
500 Crosses for Life
Prayer Procession
Saturday, 13 November

13:30 Start at Westminster Cathedral
Peaceful Prayer Procession with a Mourning Ceremony at Westminster Bridge
End at Westminster Abbey at about 16:00

"500 Crosses for Life" is an European, ecumenical initiative of "European Voice of the Unborn
Children: Protect Our Life" (EuroProLife, Westendstr.78, D-80339 Munich) and partners.
Contact in London: Joe Clovis (0208) 690 8314, Email: europrolifeuk@gmail.com

Join the united prayer forces of European and British prolife groups for our unborn brothers and
sisters, their parents, doctors and all other children of God, who are involved in abortion.
Do go along if you can.

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