Garrigou-Lagrange Colloquium at Oxford

The Dominicans at Oxford are organising a colloqium dedicated to one of the great 20th century thinkers and writers of their Order, Fr Garrigou-Lagrange.

The Colloquium will be taking up the relationship of Garrigou-Lagrange's thinking to some other influential 20th century thinkers. I would be fascinated to attend this day but unfortunately my parish commitments prevent me - but I will be most interested to read the papers if, as I expect, they are subsequently published. If you are a student of Catholic theology, this would be a day well spent. Here is the information:
The Aquinas Institute, Blackfriars, Oxford


Saturday 27th November 2010
10.00 - 17.00

"Philosophical Adequacy: Garrigou-Lagrange on the Thought of Bergson and Blondel"
Richard Peddicord OP
Aquinas Institute of Theology, St Louis, Missouri

"Garrigou and de Lubac on Divine Revelation"
Aidan Nichols OP
Blackfriars, Cambridge

"Garrigou-Lagrange after Chenu on the Nature of Theology: a Critical Disciple of his Disciple"
Henry Donneaud OP
Institut Catholique de Toulouse

To be followed by responses and a general discussion featuring

Thomas Crean OP (Holy Cross, Leicester), John Sullivan (Liverpool Hope University), and Philip Endean SJ (Campion Hall, Oxford)
Here is a link to a pdf of the above information about the colloquium

To register for the Colloquium, email Francis Murphy

If you want to find out a bit about Garrigou-Lagrange, Fr Richard Peddicord OP wrote "The Sacred Monster of Thomism: An Introduction to the Life and Legacy of Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange", published in 2004 by St. Augustine's Press and Fr Aidan Nichols wrote "Reason with Piety, Garrigou-Lagrange in the Service of Catholic Thought", published by Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University in 2008. EWTN has The Trinity and God the Creator, Christian has The Three Ages of the Interior Life. The illustrious son of St Dominic does also have a Facebook page.

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