CTS announces publication of "Verbum Domini" and "Light of the World"

The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini was first published by the Vatican as a 208 page pdf which was inconvenient. It is now on the Vatican website in the usual html format: Verbum Domini. This is useful if you want to copy and paste quotations but such a lengthy document is easier to read in printed form. This is where the CTS step in. They have it available to pre-order now (publication date 23 Nov) at £3.95 / $6.28. It is an A5 paperback of 144 pages.

Reading various blogs, I have felt a little as though someone is poking my arm with a cocktail stick as there have been comments about how blogs have not taken any notice of Verbum Domini. I take the point but really want to read this document carefully in full. There is a good section on the approach of Lectio Divina and much on the relationship of the Word of God and the magisterium, including the following:
[...] it is important to read and experience sacred Scripture in communion with the Church, that is, with all the great witnesses to this word, beginning with the earliest Fathers up to the saints of our own day, up to the present-day magisterium.
You can also order from the CTS Peter Seewald's interview with Pope Benedict Light of the World (publication date 24 Nov) at £14.95 / $23.77 - 240 page hardback. This interview promises to be of great interest and I look forward to reading it.

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