British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

A Confraternity for Priests with one of its objects being fidelity to the Magisterium has been founded in Britain. The British Province of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy is dedicated to St Gregory the Great.

I am lagging behind others in posting about this, but I was very glad to read about the new website at several blogs mentioning it enthusiastically yesterday. At the meeting in Rome of the Confraternities of Catholic Clergy from Australia and the USA, those of us from Britain were keen that a similar Confraternity should be started over here. Many thanks to those who have been doing the hard work of setting it all up.

The website has a built-in news section which you can subscribe to in your RSS feed. It is also now on the blogroll here (CCC British Province.)

If you are a Catholic cleric and agree with the objects of the Confraternity you can join now. I will be joining myself and look forward to benefiting from the support of good priests committed to fidelity, formation and fraternity.

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