One Billion Stories
Can the Eucharist change Hearts?
Thanks to a reader for the link to One Billion Stories, a project of EWTN. Here is the Mission Statement:
The mission of is to promote the life of Jesus Christ, by collecting and sharing the personal human stories of those faithful to the magisterium of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, through modern communication mediums. This mission will focus on three steps:These are great videos; but to continue a theme, we could do with something like this in England with stories of young people who have come to the Church after being converted from relativism, secularism, and agnosticism.
1. Attract everyday Internet users with engaging stories and captivating content
2. Cultivate reflection on the stories with questions, comments, vlogs, and dialogue
3. Propose action on those reflections by making available, authentic Catholic apostolates and resources faithful to the magisterium.