Happy St Philip's Day!

Especial greetings to all our English Oratorians.

Hilary White has a good observation about what happens when you entrust yourself to St Philip:
He has no qualms whatever about taking your life and holding it upside down and shaking it until all your stuff has fallen out of the pockets. When he rights you again, everything will be better, but different.
Please remember Hilary in your prayers as she is going through a rough time healthwise at the moment.

Hilary's post reminded us of a good set of photos on the Transalpine Redemptorists' blog from 2009. On the last day of their pilgrimage, they celebrated Mass at St Philip's altar in the Chiesa Nuova and had a tour of St Philip's rooms, courtesy of Brother Edward of the London Oratory.

You might like to read my sermon from a few years ago: St Philip, a saint for saints, or one given by Fr Nicholas Schofield: This is the Saint of Cheerfulness and Kindness.

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