Moldovan dance ensemble

Doina Buzut who presents the news on Gloria TV posted this video on Facebook yesterday. It shows
the National Academic Folk Dance Ensemble of Moldova "JOC". I enjoyed it and thought that it might provide a cheerful start to the day. [SSPX readers please note - it has nothing to do with that JOC ;-) ]

In the comments under the FB post, there is this exchange in response to Cannoli who enquired whether all Moldovan women are so pretty:
Doina Buzut Cannoli. All Moldavian women are very good looking. When God was distributing Gifts to the men of different nations, the Moldavian Man came late, because he was working in the field. God told the Moldavian: "You are late! I have no Gifts left". After a moment of thinking, God added: " I will give you a beautiful and patient Woman." This is where from come the beautiful women of Moldova :o)
A respondent From what a certain priest tells me of Moldovan men, I expect he came late because he'd fallen asleep under a tree ...
Doina Buzut If the priest is from Moldova, then "Quidquid recipitur per modum recipientis recipitur." :o)
LOL. I am reminded of the exclamation of Captain Bertorelli in 'Allo 'Allo when confronted by Helga: "Brains and beauty - what a combinaaaation!"

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