"Pride Weekend Mass" in London

In the combox, Oliver pointed me to a post at Reluctant Sinner about this weekend's Gay Pride Mass. (The author, Dylan Parry, is the one who came up with the idea of the guild of Catholic bloggers which is now online at The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma.) Dylan pretty well says what needs to be said, and properly refers to the relevant passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357 – 2359) in which the moral teaching of the Church is accompanied by genuine pastoral concern.

The ministry of the Church should be directed towards helping homosexual people (along with everyone else) to “gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.” It should not be involved with tacitly condoning the immoral ethos of “Gay Pride.”

Dylan has posted photos from various Pride events in different countries. I would rather avoid those here. The above graphic was taken from an advert placed in last year's year's Official Guide to Pride London. There are advertisements for fostering and adoption services, and for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority. Here is the one for the Metropolitan Police:

I once gave a Day of Recollection for Encourage but have not really heard much about them in recent years. I wonder if there are some young homosexual Catholics who might have a calling to revive this apostolate, get some events going, re-do the website, and generally encourage others in the following of Christ. It would, I think, help a lot of young people who have a homosexual inclination but do not wish to be associated with Gay Pride Masses and the like.

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