"Western Mass" stopped Deo Gratias

Earlier this month, I advertised the petition to Cardinal Schönborn which was organised by Gloria TV, asking him not to allow the "Western Mass" which had been celebrated for some years, replete with abuses and desecration of the liturgy.

Thankfully, His Eminence has in fact now stopped the Mass from going ahead. There is a form at the original petition site to send a message to the Cardinal to thank him. I think that it is a good idea to do so, if only to offer a demonstration of the feelings of ordinary Catholics.

Mundabor speculates that the Cardinal may have been put under pressure from the Holy See. That may well be so. It is unlikely that any such pressure would have been brought to bear without the campaign organised by Gloria TV. There is a lesson here. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a YouTube (or Gloria TV) video is worth quite a lot more. You could write several thousand words to Bishops and Vatican dicasteries and get nowhere, but a short video clip buzzing round the Catholic blogosphere can be an economic way for the laity to exercise their right under canon law to manifest their concerns to their pastors.

Old Mississippi Country Club of Austria has announced that they have now turned to the Old Catholic Church for a celebrant. I think that some Old Catholics may be embarrassed by this.

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