Londoners - turn out to vote!
2240. Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one’s countryand the second Vatican Council:
All citizens, therefore, should be mindful of the right and also the duty to use their free vote to further the common good. (Gaudium et Spes n.75)You will have received your booklet with photos of the ballot papers etc. For Mayor, you get a first and a second choice. You should be aware that there is a good Christian pro-life, pro-family candidate, Alan Craig is standing on a joint ticket for the Christian Party and the Christian People's Alliance.
Being realistic, it is unlikely that Alan Craig will be elected as Mayor. But it would be good for him to get a sizeable number of votes. If you feel that it is a straight fight between Ken 'n Boris, you can still vote for whichever of the two you prefer as your second choice without wasting your vote because if your first choice is not in the top two, your second choice vote is used.
In addition, it should also be possible to vote Alan Craig on as a London-wide member of the London Assembly and possibly some Christian party people in a few boroughs. So if you were just getting apathetic about the whole thing and were not going to be bothered with it, you now have a reason to walk down to the local school some time tomorrow and tick the various Christian boxes...
You can read more about the Christian campaign at The Christian Choice; of particular interest to many readers will be the news item ITV & BBC Censor London Mayoral Election Broadcast "in Fear of Radical Islam". Alan Craig also has a blog called Meet Alan Craig.