Cardinal Trujillo: Pope's homily and Times obituary

On Wednesday, the Holy Father preached at the funeral of Cardinal Lopez Trujillo, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. In the course of his sermon (Italian version), he said:
How could we not draw attention at this time, to the zeal and the passion with which he laboured during almost 18 years, carrying out a tireless activity protecting and promoting the family and Christian marriage? How could we not thank him for the courage with which he defended the non-negotiable values of human life?
There was quite a good obituary in the Times which observed:
Despite his unpopularity among some liberal Catholics and the attacks he came under in the media, López Trujillo never wavered in upholding traditional Catholic teaching. He once remarked about the role of the Pontifical Council for the Family: “As the Pope would say, these are decisive battles, and we want to be in the middle of them.”

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