TLM at Gower Street

The Central Catholic Chaplaincy for the London Universities, at Newman House in Gower Street, is to have a celebration of Mass in the older form of the Roman Rite on Saturday 10 May.

Fr Peter Wilson has written about this at the Newman House blog. Fr Zuhlsdorf has added his own comments and analysis.

I would only add that it does not seem necessary to seek permission from the Ordinary for such a celebration. In the post "If... but not "only if", I pointed out that Summorum Pontificum does not limit permission for the "extraordinary form" to cases where a group of people ask for it - in those cases he must do what he can to facilitate their request. According to his own pastoral judgement, the Pastor may arrange for the not-abrogated and not-forbidden form of the Mass to be celebrated if this form of Mass would be pastorally helpful. If a group of students ask for it, that seems to me a "slam dunk" as the Americans might put it. No?

In any case, I am sure that the students are grateful to Fr Wilson and it is very good to hear that the central London chaplaincy is making the traditional Roman liturgy available to students in their own chaplaincy.

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