Papal visit snippets

I have just been catching up on the Papal visit to the USA, reading the speeches and looking at commentaries on the events. The following is just a very brief list of some things that caught my eye.

John Allen posted a transcript of the Holy Father's question and answer session on the plane in which he talked about clerical child abuse among other things. Allen also suggests that the Holy Father is setting the agenda on this one. He has not shirked the issue but gone for it head-on.

Reacting to the Pope's address at the Whitehouse, President Bush said "awesome speech, your Holiness". There has been some fairly strong reaction worldwide to the music at the Mass in Washington DC, especially the Responsorial Psalm.

The Pope has told the American Bishops that Catholics Should Be… Catholics in a speech that Our Sunday Visitor called A bit of a bombshell.

For updated coverage with the all-important links, I recommend Thomas Peters at American Papist. For photos - as ever, just go to the PapaRatzi Forum's page for Foto Immagini & Video Benedetto XVI, go down to "Foto da Papa" and click "last".

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