Forthcoming sung Masses at Blackfen

This Saturday, our traditional Latin Mass will be sung with Gregorian chant according to the Roman Gradual. The Mass starts at 10.30am and will be followed by Benediction and the Marian anthem. (The Missa Cantata is usually on the first Saturday of the month but it has been brought forward because of the parish first communion Masses.)

We will also be having traditional sung Masses on the feast of the Ascension (1 May) and Corpus Christi (22 May), both at 8pm.

If any clergy are free and would like to assist, they would be very welcome - it would be great to be able to celebrate any of these Masses as a a solemn High Mass. Just let me know in the combox - put "not for publication" if you would prefer the comment to remain confidential. Of course, if you do not feel confident enough to assist as Deacon or Subdeacon and would prefer to assist in choro, you would also be most welcome. Seminarians would also be very welcome to assist in choro or to help with serving Mass.

Directions to Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen.

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