"Let us do the experiment of tradition"
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The Transalpine Redemptorists have worked closely with the Society of St Pius X but are also informally pursuing avenues of discussion with Rome. Fr Michael Mary CSSR and Fr Anthony Mary CSSR have this week published a "Declaration on Relations with Rome" (headed Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!)
There will doubtless be considerable controversy about this declaration within traditionalist circles but I have to say that I found it a moving expression of sincere desire to be in a regular canonical situation. They speak of the problems that have plagued the Church since Vatican II and then say (referring to Summorum Pontificum)
But now we must ask ourselves if a glimmer of light has not begun to show through the clouds of confusion that for many years have darkened the sky of eternal Rome. For we now have a Pontiff, a successor of Peter, ready to allow us to adhere fully to this timeless tradition of the Church and its complete expression in Catholic life without apparent compromise. He seems ready to "let us do the experiment of Tradition" as Archbishop Lefebvre asked so many years ago.Their blog is not all about relations with Rome - there is much about daily life in the Community at Papa Stronsay. There can be some fairly severe weather up there and one pastime is to go storm walking: