Bishops and priests and a bad translation

Fr Sean Finnegan has an excellent post about the theology of the episcopate: Crossword Clue. I would like to make an observation with regard to the rite of ordination of a priest.

The essential form of ordination for priests and deacons is almost exactly the same as the form in the old Roman Pontifical. (The form for Bishops has been changed to be based on the Apostolic Tradition - thought at the time of Vatican II to be by Hippolytus.)

So the Latin text for the form of ordination of a priest is as follows:
Da, quaesumus, omnipotens Pater, his famulis tuis Presbyterii dignitatem; innova in visceribus eorum Spiritum sanctitatis; acceptum a te, Deus, secundi meriti munus obtineant, censuramque morum exemplo suae conversationis insinuent.”
The English translation currently in use is:
Almighty Father, grant to these servants of yours the dignity of the priesthood. Renew within them the Spirit of holiness. As co-workers with the order of bishops may they be faithful to the ministry that they receive from you, Lord God, and be to others a model of right conduct."
But there is no mention of "co-workers with the order of Bishops" in the Latin text. "acceptum a te, Deus secundi meriti munis obtineant" was rendered by J B O'Connell as "that they may obtain the office of second rank received from thee, O God". I wonder myself whether the semi-colon is misplaced (Latin does not really have punctuation of this sort) and whether the "acceptum" might actually refer back to the spirit of holiness (i.e. "having received this [the spirit of holiness] from you, O God, may they obtain the office of second rank". But that is a minor point. The fact is that the translators have gratuitously introduced a disputed theological point without any grounding in the official Latin text.

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