Marie Stopes Abortion ads planned to start Monday

There is some good information about possible legal challenges to this advertisement at John Smeaton's post: Abortion advertisement move is deplorable. To make an objection to the Government, you should write to the new Secretary of State for Culture, Media, and Sport, the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP. The email address is
From John's post, here are some points you could make:
- Abortion is in English law a criminal offence. Advertising of a criminal offence is not permitted.
- European law also prohibits the advertising of restricted (i.e. on prescription) medical procedures, such as abortion. [cf. the Audio-Visual Media Regulations 2010, preamble, 89]
- The Broadcasting Act 1990 requires that advertising is not offensive or harmful. Abortion is offensive to the countless women damaged by abortion; and lethally harmful to the hundreds of unborn children aborted every day.
The Good Counsel Network has also posted on this at their Maria Stops Abortion blog: Some kinds of demons... Part 2 Urgent update. They have proposed today as a day of fasting and prayer with the particular intention of preventing this TV advertising campaign and any future such plans. (I'm sorry to be late in posting this, but you can, of course, offer some extra fasting and pray at any time if you miss chance today.)
There is also an iPetition against channel4 abortion advert which you can sign, and the Daily Mail article on this has a poll asking "Should abortion adverts be shown on TV". Currently the poll stands at 26% Yes and 74% No so you might help to increase that further.