
The Mulier Fortis has posted a video on YouTube of the Sanctus at last Thursday's Annual Mass of the Society of St Catherine of Siena. I agree that it is very good in quality considering that it is from a small camera discreetly perched on a pew. No microphones, just human voices in a beautiful Church. The video includes the end of the Preface and I am relieved that the part that is recorded is reasonably sung without mistakes. (Not always the case.) The choir of the London Oratory School are, of course, absolutely brilliant.

For those not familiar with the usus antiquior, what happens is that after the Preface, the Celebrant, Deacon and Subdeacon say the Sanctus quietly, making the sign of the Cross at the Benedictus. Then the Subdeacon goes back to his place at the bottom of the steps and the Deacon crosses over to attend to the Missal while the Celebrant continues with the Canon in a low voice. You may notice that the Deacon steps back during the Memento in a traditional ceremonial gesture that leaves the Celebrant free to mention various intentions.

Mac also has the Benedictus at her blog. This is sung after the consecration.

High Mass - "the most beautiful thing this side of heaven".

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