Cardinal Cañizares on youth and liturgy

NLM has a full translation of an interview given by Cardinal Cañizares Llovera to the German Catholic newspaper Die Tagespost on the occasion of the third anniversary of the publication of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.

He praises Bishop Dominique Rey of Toulon as an excellent man who is implementing in his diocese the concept of the hermeneutic of continuity with evident good fruits. He also recommends priests to make their preparation for Mass as is provided for in the traditional books.

I was especially struck by his words concerning the participation of young people in the Sacred Liturgy:
We need a new introduction to Christianity. Also for children and young people. An introduction to the liturgy does not only mean to know something about the celebration, although of course that is indispensable both theologically and doctrinally. Young people and children should participate in liturgies celebrated with great dignity, which are entirely permeated by the mystery of God in which the individual konws himself to be included. Active participation does not mean to do something, but to enter into the worship and the silence, into listening and also the prayer of petition and all that which really constitutes the liturgy. As long as that does not happen, there will be no liturgical renewal. We have to turn around one hundred eighty degrees. Youth ministry should be a place where the encounter with the living Christ in the Church takes place . Where Jesus Christ appears as someone of yesterday, neither liturgical education nor active participation is possible. As long as the awareness of the living Christ does not awake again, nothing will come of the much-needed renewal.
I would like to add that in my opinion, Cardinal Cañizares is also an "excellent man". In the photo above, I am chanting the epistle at the Pontifical Mass which he celebrated in January at the Basilica of St John Lateran. Meeting His Eminence on that occasion, I was edified both by his own prayerful preparation for Holy Mass and by his kindness and warmth once the Mass and his thanksgiving were completed.

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