Fr Michael Lang to speak at "Call to Youth" on translations

Fr Michael Lang is a priest of the London Oratory who is working in the Congregation for Divine Worship in Rome. He will explain the reasons behind the changes in translation that are due to be made in the Missal.
This is a great opportunity for young adults to meet Fr Lang and to hear him speak. It is a fairly safe bet that there will be no icebreaker games, you will not be "broken up" into small groups, and you will leave knowing more than you did when you arrived.
The talk is at 8.15pm in St.Wilfrid's Hall. there will be drinks & sandwiches afterwards as usual.
The group is for people aged 18-35.
(A note from me: please don't gatecrash if you are outside this age range. These meetings are generally quite full and they are intended for young adults. You can read the talk that Fr Lang gave in January to the meeting of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy in Rome here: March 2010 edition of The Priest.)
UPDATE: Strike through the above paragraph. I have heard from the Oratory that for this meeting only, as an exception, ALL are invited.