Successful All-Ireland Rally for Life

The All-Ireland Rally for Life which was held a week ago in Belfast, was a great success with large crowds, a youthful upbeat feel, and powerful speeches in defence of human life. Organised by a coalition of pro-life groups including Precious Life, Youth Defence and the Life Institute, the rally attracted about 4000 people.

Speaker Niamh Uí Bhriain of the Life Institute told the rally that the most immediate threat to life in Ireland was the proposal to allow experimentation on human embryos which is being proposed by Health Minister Mary Harney. Other speakers at the rally were Fr Sylvester Mann from Priests for Life Ireland and the Reverend George Hargreaves of the UK Christian Party.

The Rally also received support from several Bishops. Bishop Boyce of Raphoe said,
"Life is our most precious gift. The ‘All-Ireland Rally for Life’ is a celebration of life. To attend or take part in it in any way is a worthwhile endeavour to pursue as Catholics. We stand up for God's gift of life".

Bishop Noel Treanor of Down and Connor sent a message of support to Precious Life, telling them that all parishes had been informed of the Rally for Life and that he hoped there would be a good attendance. Bishop Joseph Duffy from the Diocese of Clogher also notified all his Parish Priests about the Rally and his good wishes. Bishop Seamus Hegarty, Bishop of Derry, sent Precious Life his apologies for being unable to attend the Rally but assured them that they were in his prayers from Rome. He said, “May the Lord of Life inspire, sustain and guide you in your endeavours for life.” Archbishop Edwarda Ozorowskiego from Poland, who was at St Agnes Parish in Belfast on the day of the Rally, also gave members of the Rally for Life Team a special blessing.

There are reports at LifeSite News, the European Life Network, and the ProLife Alliance

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